Custom ghost template
Post and page style are fixed when we apply a ghost theme. What if you want to customize the post or page style? For example, I’d like to add a timeline page to show my tiny thoughts(timeline). It’s totally different style of the post page or index page. How can I do that?
After some digging, I find that ghost supports custom post template, page template and even tag template. We just need to add a new hbs template file with special naming convention. And ghost will auto apply the hbs template based on the url.
Custom post template
You need to create the hbs template with name custom-xxx.hbs. Then when you write new post you are able to select the new template through the post settings.
Custom tag template
You need to name the hbs template tag-tagName.hbs. Then when you navigate the url https://yourblog/tag/tagName, it will use the specific style.
Custom page template
You need to name the hbs template page-pageName.hbs. Then when you navigate the url https://yourblog/pageName, it will use the specific style.
Update theme
You need to put the new hbs files into the theme root folder and upload the new theme zip file back to your site. After that, the templates you add can take effects.
So in order to show my thoughts, I add a template with name tag-timeline.hbs. Now all my posts with timeline tag will display under timeline style.