Screen recording(mov) to gif


I use mac. My step is:

  1. screen recoding with QuickTime Player or ScreenShot app. This step will produce a mov file.
  2. convert the mov file to gif using Gifski app. You can config size, fps and speed. The app will estimate the file size based on the settings. In order to get a small gif, suggest to choose a fast speed like (1.5x, 2x), fps less than 20 and a small screen size. If the gif is still too large, like bigger than 10MB which is restricted by most online content holder, you can use gifsicle command to reduce the size.
 gifsicle --optimize=3 --colors 64 input.gif > output.gif

If you need to add gif to Github readme file using a public link, you must make the gif file a small size. The size is acceptable if it’s around 4MB. But if it’s bigger than 7MB(not 10MB), it cannot show up on readme according to my experience.